After Christmas, Mom, Hunter, and Halston stayed in Utah for a few days, and we spent one of those days at the Church History Museum, which pretty much has the coolest stuff of all time.

This is the pocket watch that saved John Taylor's life on the day that Joseph Smith and Hyrum were martyred. You can see where the bullet struck.

These are the death masks for Joseph and Hyrum. They fascinate me and freak me out at the same time.

Hunter and Halston with Brigham Young's trunk.

Mom reading up on some artifacts:

Hunter and Halston experiencing what it would be like to sleep on one of the ships the early Saints took to come from Engand to America.

This guy was showing us they used to do wood working back in the day. He was making a wooden spoon.

This is a woven blanket that depicts two missionaries serving on the Navajo Reservation, where my Dad serves his mission. And the missionary on the right looks like my Dad.

Halston and Hunter standing with a replica of the angel Moroni:
Sorry we missed out...I haven't been there since I was in high school....I probably should have gone sometime during the 7 years I lived in Utah...