December 21st turned out to be super snowy! But that wasn't a bad thing, as you will find out for yourself when you look at the stunning pictures! Fortunately, the snow didn't keep any of us from getting to the temple on time. The sealing was so sweet and Jordan and Kaitlyn radiated joy. It was so special to see Jordan starting out his own little eternal family!
Here are the newlyweds coming out of the temple:

The not quite as newlyweds in front of the temple:

With the snow coming down, the photographer needed help holding umbrellas over Jordan and Kaitlyn and himself. Dad volunteered for the first few pictures.
It. Was. FREEZING. But this was our first day using our brand new camera that we gave ourselves for Christmas. Can I just say we love this camera? And it's maiden voyage was taking pictures of Jordan and Kaitlyn in a winter perfect!

After taking the pictures, we made a pit stop at McDonald's (sound familiar?) and then followed Jordan and Kaitlyn down to the reception. Unfortunately, a pit stop in Provo coupled with insane traffic made us 45 minutes late for the reception. But Jordan and Kaitlyn are the bride and groom, so the whole day should go by their clock anyway!
Here's the adorable wedding cake:

Makenzie playing with her cousin, Jack (her little wedding attire was beyond-words-cute...I wish they made that skirt in my size...):

The cute centerpieces on a navy table runner:

The cake cutting:

Mother/son dance:

These next few pictures are of all the Brown kids and spouses decorating the car. Josh and Hunter made a quick trip to the store to gather supplies.

Mom and Dad with the newly weds:

The girls:

The whole family:

So Nick had the brilliant idea to build a snowman on top of the get-away car. Makenzie was obsessed with this snowman. She constantly kept asking to go see it. When Jordan and Kaitlyn drove off, the snowman's head rolled off, which upset Makenzie to no end. She kept telling everyone " 'nowman head fall off!" in the most distressed voice.

All in all, it was a great day! Congratulations to the happy couple!
wow, I was really, really attractive that day....i mean really...