A couple of days after the wedding, my awesome parents treated us to a snowmobiling trip! Riley was injured, and the Bells couldn't come since Lindsey is pregnant, so it was just Dad, Mom, Josh, me, Hunter, and Halston (and the strangers that were in our group).

They started off by taking us along this beautiful trail that winded up through the mountains. The views were incredible!

You have to be at least 15 to drive, so Halston rode on a double with me and Hunter traded off riding with Dad and Josh.

At the end of this trail was a big open field with a hill where our tour guide set us free to play. It was so fun! But one of the times I went over a bump and slammed my chin into the steering wheel. It was sore for days, but fortunately didn't bruise. It's still an upgrade from my first snowmobiling accident when I was in middle school. Back then, I ran into a barbed wire fence and flew over the handle bars into a wooden post that knocked the wind out of me.

This was such a fun experience, I'm so thankful my parents had us all go do this together!
THis was so much fun. Didn't know your chin hurt for days! ow!