Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Boy

Chandler has passed the 7 month mark and continues to be ridiculously cute on so many levels.

He was a little late in the game, but he is officially sitting now. He's been able to stay up for a little bit for the last several months, but didn't stay up for long. I wasn't too worried, because I knew he was super strong. I think it had more to do with a lack of interest. He is always busy and trying to grab everything in sight, so he would just dive for everything around him. Or make it into a game. Josh was working with him one night and every time he started to fall over Josh would catch him and sit him back up. So Chandler would do this little excited smile and then start falling backward and crack up whenever Josh caught him in mid-fall. Anyways, after we stopped goofing off, he started doing great and now he's pretty much a pro!

He now has 3 teeth, all on the bottom. His little smile is so cute I can hardly stand it. (It's really hard to get a picture with those little teeth showing, though.)

Chandler is great at getting himself around. He rolls like crazy everywhere and pushes up on his arms to scoot himself in the direction he wants. He is going to be crawling before we know it! Which leads me to my new dilemma...

Chandler and I are back to our nap time wars. The way I had solved it last time was by letting him sleep in our room on our bed because it's much darker in there during the daytime than in his room and that seemed to help him. I put a barrier of pillows around him, checked him frequently, and everyone was happy. But yesterday when I went to check on him, I found this:

Turned completely around and slowly making his way over the barrier. So, sleeping on my bed can't happen anymore and I'm trying to get him to the crib (which he sleeps in like a champ at night, so it seemed like it should be an easy transition). I've tried the cry-it-out method, but after 10 minutes he can't catch his breath from sobbing and the repetition of "mamama!" breaks my heart, so I inevitably give in. So now I am trying to rock him to sleep and then lay him in his crib, which is working okay so far. Even when he woke up half way through, he didn't cry and got himself back to sleep.

Also, one time he woke up and was playing in his crib when I walked into his room to put some clothes away. He got really excited and pressed his face up against the bars so he could see what I was doing and it was so cute:

He is fascinated by how his jumper hangs from the doorway. Every time we are holding him and walk by it, he makes a grab for the straps. When he's in it, he's spends half his time leaned back as far as he can so he can see the top.

He still loves pretty much anything we feed him and doesn't really show a special preference for anything. Recently, though, he has started gagging every time I feed him oatmeal (don't know why that suddenly started).

Since Chandler loved the exersaucer he used in Arizona, the Atkinsons were nice enough to let him borrow theirs! It was been so great for me, too. It keeps him happier longer so that I can get things done.

The weather has been gorgeous, so we went and took a stroll at Market Common the other day! He still loves being outside and riding around in his stroller. He even got out and stuck his feet and hands in the fountain for a little bit.

He also does this hilarious fake smile all the time that's hard to catch on's like he's looking around for someone to make him genuinely laugh.

Here he is on the day he turned 7 months:

And bonus pictures! (I can't help myself...)

Lately, we have been having a huge problem with him wetting through diapers and having poopy explosions. I'm having to do a load of laundry pretty much daily...he wets through his jammies and blanket almost every night. So, I think we are officially done buying the cheap diapers. When I was in Arizona, he had a huge poopy explosion in a store where there was only a nasty employee bathroom and I had to use a makeshift changing table (it wasn't pretty). And of course, I just happened to not have a back-up outfit in the diaper bag that day, so he had to hang out in his diaper.

He has his tongue hanging out like a little puppy all the time...

He had been asleep and woke up and was trying to put his passie back in his mouth, but only made it this far before he fell back asleep.

We just love our little blue-eyed, dimpled boy way too much!

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