Saturday, September 10, 2011


One of our favorite summer activities is boating! We were pretty excited the first time we got out this had been awhile.

Both Josh and I are trying to improve our wakeboarding skills. Up until this summer, I was able to get up and board for a long time, but couldn't really move around. I have now learned to maneuver the board where I want to and can go up and down the wake with out falling. Maybe not super impressive, but I'll take it! I've never been a very good athlete...My biggest problem now is that this summer I have developed a terrible fear of being eaten by an alligator. I know car accidents are more likely than alligator attacks, but it still terrifies me. Josh says he would jump in and fight the alligator if it attacked me, but while sweet, that's not all together comforting. So I have to make poor Dad stay on the main channels and I won't get in if we are too close to the sides.

Josh's wakeboarding has improved a good bit more than mine has. He can move around like a pro and is close to jumping! He's gotten really in to it and as soon as we leave the waterway, he's already wanting to go back out.

Josh also spent some time trying to teach Halston how to wakeboard. It didn't happen this time, but maybe next summer...

We go tubing with Halston and Hunter, and sometimes even Mom! Dad has become unstoppable at throwing us off the tube (to be honest, I've become a little bit more of a wimp with that, too...)

We always bring a picnic lunch out on the boat, too. Apparently, Halston really enjoys Pringles...

I wish it would stay warm enough here to boat year round!

1 comment:

  1. I used to love going over the wake...and then the most recent time I ate it face first hard...and it hurt...and now it's scary...
