Sunday, March 20, 2011


Since we got married, I've been trying to make our little apartments home-y, but we don't have a ton of extra money to spend on decor. So, I did a few fun projects.

The first big project I did were the pillows I made that I wrote about last year. This year for my birthday, my Mom gave me a sewing machine. My first project with the sewing machine was to jazz up the brown pillows to match the ones I made.

I'm in love with this broach...

For a centerpiece for the kitchen table, I put some fabric in an old frame my mom had.

For our coffee table, I made a little runner out of some of my mom's extra fabric.

Our computer desk had this weird area of blank wood, so I put on some pretty lacy wallpaper and a frame (that I got from, you guessed it, my mom) and lined it with brown fabric edging.

This last one is one of my favorites! When we first got married, we bought these super cheap (I think they were $5 each?) black floor lamps from Wal-Mart that have cheap plastic shades on them. They get the job done, but aren't much to look at. So I bought some hemp and wound it from base to top around the lamp stand. Then I bought a little bit of lace and wrapped it around the shade at the top.

In this first picture, it's hard to see the lace, but you can see the hemp.
Here's what it looks like when it's turned on:

They were all pretty easy to do, and so fun to make!


  1. I love your projects! Especially the pillows. I didn't know you got a sewing maching! How fun! I have to admit though, I am so scared that your lamp in going to catch on fire...

  2. I was going to say the same thing. I think the lamp idea (while creative) may be a fire hazard. As long as you have a nicely decorated fire extinguisher, I wouldn't worry about it though.
