Thursday, December 12, 2013

Chandler Gets Sick

Chandler has had a couple of colds before, but we recently had our first experience with him being really sick. After we got back from Utah he was slowly getting fussier over the course of a few days, had a runny nose, and was coughing. Then one night our usually excellent sleeper woke up and was wailing and would not go back to sleep for a really long time. Since Chandler also isn't one to cry hard unless he really hurts, we felt pretty sure that he must have an ear infection or something, despite the lack of temperature. So I took him to the doctor the next morning and sure enough, our poor little Bluebird had a double ear infection. So the doctor put him on amoxicillan and we went back home. Chandler continued to battle his cold for the next few days and since I'm an overly-anxious, paranoid mother, I spent a few nights sleeping on his floor so I could be there for him throughout the night. His cold seemed to be getting better, so I moved back to my room. One morning Josh was changing his diaper and noticed a rash on his chest and stomach. It wasn't too bad, so we figured we would take him to the doctor the next day if it got worse. Josh left for work and less than an hour later the rash was getting redder and was starting to spread before my eyes to his face, arms and legs. I called the doctor to get in, and by the time we got there, he looked like this:

After taking a look at the rash, the doctor determined that he was allergic to the penicillin they had given him for his ear infections. She also said it would probably get a whole lot worse before it got better (which it did, but I didn't get any pictures). So we gave him doses of Benadryl multiple times a day until the rash went away. Also, I dumped an almost an entirely full bottle of Benadryl upside down in my diaper bag, but that's another story.

Anyway, our sweet boy eventually got his perfect, smooth skin back, so all is well. As long as we keep him away from penicillin.

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