Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Chandler: Month 1

After spending the first night in our own home, we stayed for about 2 weeks at my parents' house. This ended up being so great because Mom could help me during the day while I was recovering and help show me the ropes with things that I had questions about. And in the mornings she would come take Chandler for a little while so I could get some extra sleep which was AMAZING.

I definitely took a lot of pictures...

In keeping with how he was right after he was born, Chandler is still super alert. He loves looking around and taking everything in and especially loves lights and windows. He doesn't really focus on faces so much yet. He has a very sweet disposition and we just love to cuddle with him! He has had a little bit of tummy trouble  (we are hoping that will get a  better!), so when he is fussy that is usually the cause. 

As for me, recovery is slow but steady. Walking and lifting gets a little easier each day. Breastfeeding has been painful and difficult, but I am trying to power through. 

When Chandler left the hospital, his weight had dropped to about 7 pounds 14 ounces. By his 2 week appointment, he was already back up to 8 pounds 3 ounces. Here he is on the day of his appointment:

I just love kissing those little cheeks all day long!

Here's Chandler the day he turned 1 month:

We just love this little guy so much!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a cutie! I am dying to meet him! Skyping is just not enough.
