Friday, October 28, 2011

House Tour

One big pull for us to move to South Carolina was living at my Grandma's house! After my Grandpa died, my Dad helped my Grandma develop their land into a mobile home park to support herself. After my Grandma passed away, my parents have hired people to manage the park. The pay is that you get to live in the house rent free. So here we are, managing the park, and I get to live in an adorable house that has really great memories of my Grandma.

The coolest part of this house is that my Grandpa built it with his bare hands! And he never went into debt. Every time he got his paycheck, he would go down to the hardware store and buy more supplies.

Here is the beautiful result:

I LOVE these trees. They are pecan trees, and we always used to help my Grandma pick up the pecans and she would used them to make amazing pies and desserts!

Not long after we moved here, we painted the living room. Here's the before and after:

When we first got here, the kitchen was a truly terrible pinkish-mauve color. With yellow cabinets. (Don't worry, it was painted this color by mistake. But then it was too late.) Anyway, the paint was peeling, too, because the wrong kind of paint was used. Needless to say, we gave the kitchen a nice face-lift, too.

The hall:

The office:
The master bedroom:

The second bedroom (not much going on in here; we don't really have a use for it yet, so we haven't redecorated it yet):

The bathroom (the showers doors have swans on them. Kind of awesome):

And the storage room. We recently got some great shelves so we could expand our food storage.

We have loved living here!


  1. what a cute house. I love the swans! They make the house.

  2. So cute! I love that it has so many memories and that your Grandpa built it. :)

  3. Yay for being in MB!! It is so weird looking at these pictures and not seeing Joe and Shawna's furniture in it! I have memories there me getting interrogated by Joe when I was dating Stephen! haha Congrats, the house looks great!
