So much has happened lately, and I've been horrible at keeping up with posts on it all! As more stuff happened, I fell further behind, and the task of catching up became way too daunting, so I kept procrastinating. But today I'm going to make myself get some of the posts done! And I'm going to kick things off with my trip to South Carolina.This trip back home was huge for me because of 2 reasons. Firstly, because I hadn't been home for over a year (but it felt like longer because the last trip hardly counts as a visit; we had flown in on Friday, had our wedding reception Saturday, and flew out in the early morning on Sunday). Secondly, it was a huge deal because I was going for my friend Catherine's wedding! She has been one of my best friends since preschool. She started dating her now husband, Nick, in high school, so it was really great to see them finally tie the knot!
On Tuesday, Josh dropped me off at the Salt Lake Airport. I wish so much that he could have come, too....but flights to Myrtle Beach are ridiculously expensive, and we have a tight budget to stick to!
It was so great to get off the plane and be in Myrtle Beach. So many people complain about the humidity, but I love it. It's air with substance! Anyway, my Dad was there to greet me at the airport. He is always, ALWAYS the one there to pick me up when I land in Myrtle Beach, and I love it. We headed back to my house and I got to see my family. My mom and I wasted no time in starting our late night movie extravaganzas.
The next day I got to see one of my other best friends, Laurann. We video taped an "interview the groom" segment with Nick to use at Catherine's Bachelorette party for a game, and then went out to buy Catherine some presents. That night, I went with my mom to Catherine's Bridal Shower. She made a seriously good haul. And the food was really good. Mom and I kept sneaking back for more and more (don't judge).

That night consisted of struggling for hours to edit together the videos clips for the party game. I mean HOURS. And when I finally got the stupid thing done it wouldn't burn to a DVD, it wouldn't upload onto You wouldn't do ANYTHING. It was tons of work down the drain. It turned out we just had to show the unedited clips on a computer. It was still lots of fun, but not as awesome as what I had put together. Sad day.
In the morning, before the Bachelorette Party, I was able to go boating with my family. Boating is one of my favorite things to do, and I hadn't been in about 2 years!

We started off with wake boarding. Since it had been so long, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get up, but somehow I managed.
Next, Hunter and his friend spent some time tubing. Unfortunately, the boat had a problem and we had to go back in before I got a chance to tube.

The party that night was great! Laurann, as maid of honor, did an amazing job putting it all together. We did the video interview game I made, the classic "create a wedding dress out of toilet paper" game, and a trivia game about Catherine involving a unicorn pinata (which Catherine eventually decapitated).

And there was another guest of honor. Allison, Laurann, Catherine, and I were all inseparable from middle school on. But Allison is still on her mission in Indonesia. Poor Allison ended up missing the weddings of two of her best friends! But Laurann made sure that she was at the Bachelorette Party in some form.

The other girls at the party didn't understand. They just thought it was creepy.
The next day I was able to go to one of my favorite restaurants of all time, Nibils, with my family. BEST CHICKEN SALAD EVER. I think I could eat there every single day and never, ever get sick of it.

My family then took me to this great new store that sells Carolina clothes. My siblings conned my mom into getting them a few items, and I was able to find some souveniers for me and Josh.
Next was the ceremony rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. It was interesting to be one of the girls walking down the aisle as opposed to the one teaching everyone else how to walk down the aisle...but it was nice to not have to be in charge for once. I actually kind of hate doing ceremony rehearsals...
Next, we headed over to the rehearsal dinner. It was on the patio of a beautiful restaurant by the beach, and the weather was perfect. And just as I was telling someone about how nervous I was that I was going to trip when I walked down the aisle, I dumped an entire glass of water in my lap. It was a little ironic...and ominous.
Here is Catherine with all the bridesmaids and the fabulous gifts she got us! (no, I am not pregnant...I cannot explain this picture.)
The next day was the actual wedding. We spent the afternoon doing hair and make-up and got dressed at the church.

Catherine was a calm bride, and everything ran so smoothly! There didn't seem to be any last minute "where is so-and-so" or "I forgot to bring my whatevers". Walking down the aisle, though, was nerve-wracking! Dozens of people staring at you, and super high heels! I was counting on having a groomsmen to help keep my balance, but we each walked in alone. I think my subconscious was repeating in my brain the whole time "don't trip, don't trip, don't trip", and my smile felt super cheesy. Luckily, I made it to the front without any problems. Then the ceremony began. Everything was going well until the officiant said "let us pray." I bowed my head, and immediately felt like I was going to pass out. I guess the combination of no lunch, high heels, balancing on a step, and nerves took a toll. I can't even express how light-headed I was. I was literally willing my body not to drop down, because I felt like I was going to pass out at any minute. I was terrified that I would faint, ruin the ceremony, and be hated by Catherine forever. Fortunately, I made it through the ceremony
okay and felt a lot better once I was able to get moving and walk back down the aisle, with the assistance of a groomsmen this time.
Despite the light-headedness, the ceremony was beautiful. I think my favorite moment was when Catherine's brother played a beautiful trumpet solo, the doors opened, and Catherine made her grand entrance. Her and Nick both looked so happy. Everything was so genuine and wonderful.
The reception was held at a fabulous hotel on the beach. The ballroom had a magnificent view of the ocean, the decor was beautiful, and the food was to die for. I got to spend the reception hanging out with friends and my parents. It was a great night.

The next few days were spent with my family. We went to church and watched movies together on Sunday, and then Monday morning I went to Wild Water and Wheels with my mom, Hunter, and Halston while everyone else was at work. That night, we went out to eat at another one of my favorite restaurants, Carrabba's.

On Tuesday, it was time to head back home. I was sad to leave, but it
was so nice to be back with Josh again! This trip was the longest we have ever been apart. I had such a great time, and I hope the next time, Josh will be able to come, too!