4 Month Percentiles:
Height: 14 lbs 7 oz - 50%
Weight: 25.75 in - 75%
Head: 16.75 - 60%
Chandler is getting so big so fast! His percentiles from height and weight have completely reversed since the last appointment! We are so grateful that he is growing healthy and strong.
Chandler is coming up on five months! We have been enjoying:
At 3.5 months, he rolled over for the first time! For days, he would flip over almost immediately after being put down. But since those few days, he has refused to do it. He is strong and can push himself way up high on his hands, but he just doesn't want to roll any more. Recently, though, he has started trying to go up on his knees. (As I was putting these pictures in, he rolled for the first time in weeks!)

Nap time has become a battle. He does fantastic at night...he pretty much would have slept through the night since he was 6 weeks except that our doctor said I should wake him up and feed him. Since about 2 months though, we've been letting him sleep all the way through and he does fantastic. But he struggles at nap time. I tried the "cry it out" method, but he would just cry hysterically and never fall asleep. Since then, we have gotten into a reading and lullaby routine that has seemed to help, but we've still got a ways to go. He can't fall asleep on his own if I just lay him down.

We have been enjoying little giggles for awhile (he's very ticklish) but at a little after 4 months we got to hear his first all-out hysterical laugh (and pretty much my most favorite sound ever). We were at Lowe's and he was sitting in his carseat in the cart waiting to check out. I would pretend I wasn't paying attention to him and then all of the sudden turn to him, pull the cart quickly up to me, lean in, and say "HI!" It absolutely cracked him up, which cracked me and Josh up. So fun.
He still is a little small for it, but he loves his jumper. Mostly because he can chew on the side.
Chandler is a little babbler. He's talking and cooing all the time. His new thing is to do this really high pitched squeal over and over. As I type that, I realize it might not seem like it would be cute, but it is. I promise. I love hearing him talk away in the backseat of the car while we're driving. And most parents can't take their kids to movies because their crying is too disruptive, but that's not the problem for us...it's the babbling. He went to a movie not long ago and I had to hold him off to the side the entire time because he wouldn't stop attempting to have a conversation with Leonardo DiCaprio. I found it adorable but the other people in the theater, not so much.
Speaking of driving, his hatred of red lights is tapering off a little bit...but not completely. When he's not in a good mood, he still doesn't appreciate the stopping.
Still loves his pacie. And I do mean LOVES.
Since his weight and height are just a little disproportionate, the doctor had us go ahead and start him on baby food after his 4 month appointment. We kicked things off with rice cereal and he is a big fan. One day he would even cry in between bites because we couldn't shovel it in fast enough (I'm ashamed to say, he gets that from his mom...) Since then, we gave him squash followed by green beans. So far he has liked it all. The diapers have been an adjustment for me, though. I have a huge gag reflex.
Chandler loves to be held. He does pretty well at self-entertaining for awhile, but as he gets close to his nap or bedtime, he wants to be held. As a matter of fact, when I started writing this he was playing next to me but is currently sitting contentedly in my lap. That might make typing more difficult, but his little head is more accessible for kisses, so it's a good trade off.
He is still our little pool baby. Now that the fantastic summertime weather is here, we have been able to swim in my parent's pool more. It combines 3 of the things Chandler loves: water, being outside, and being held.
When Chandler was first born, every one who saw him would say he looked just like me. Now everyone says he looks like Josh- and it's true. He is his daddy's boy! He still has my dimples, though, so I'm in there somewhere.
He's great at tracking, holding toys and transferring them from hand to hand (and to his mouth, of course).
He loves music, whether it's the music I play while in the car or cleaning the house, the hymns sung at church, or the little mobile above his bed. He rarely falls asleep without a lullaby. For a long time he would smile and get really excited when we sang the ABC's, but now we get more response out of "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam."
He's the cutest thing I've ever seen and has the kissiest cheeks ever.
Here he is the day he turned 3 months:
And the day he turned 4 months:
Someone make time slow down!