The past couple of weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotions. First, as I mentioned before, was all the stress of trying to find a new apartment that was safe and affordable. Josh and I had decided that we were going to move to Foothill Place apartments. We looked it up and saw that it had 27 times less crime than Stonehedge ( the same amount of time that Stonehedge had 27 crimes, Foothill Place had 1, according to So we were really excited that we found somewhere safe to live. The problem? It was going to be almost $200 more a month. But we decided that you can't put a price on safety. It was the weekend, and Monday was Memorial Day, so we were planning to go in and put down the deposit on Tuesday. That Sunday, however, we ran over to Janalynne and J.L.'s to pick something up for Josh's parents. While we were there, they mentioned that the current renter of their basement apartment was moving out and they were looking for a new tenant. Josh and I immediately felt that a door was opening up for us. Here, Josh would still be able to take the bus to work and we would be paying $40
less a month than we are paying now (or about $240 less than the place we were planning to move to)! Our contract in Stonehedge isn't up until the end of July, but Janalynne and J.L. were willing to hold it for us until then. We are so excited! It will be so fun to live so close to family...and save money!
Josh also got to go hiking with his friend and co-worker, Everett, on Mt. Olympus. They didn't go all the way to the top, because Everett wasn't feeling very well that day, but they had a great time.

Then, just a few days ago, I was making dinner because Jordan and his girlfriend, Kaitlyn, were driving up from Provo and we were going to have FHE with them. I was talking to my sister, Lindsey, on the phone while I was cutting potatoes into strips to make potato wedges. All of the sudden, the knife slipped and tore into my skin between my index finger and thumb. All I could do was scream and cry as the blood began to flow. Lindsey later said she thought I was being murdered because the only words she could make out in my hysterics were "knife!" and "blood!" (What can I say, I have a low pain thresh-hold). I was home alone, and Josh was at work. And he didn't have a car, because he takes the bus. I tried to run the gash under water, but that just made the blood flow harder and the gash sting worse. So I held a wadded up paper towel over it. Once Lindsey managed to figure out what was going on, she hung up the phone to call for help. I called Josh and his boss immediately began closing up shop so he could bring Josh to get me and take me to the emergency room. They ran out to his boss's car, and the battery was dead. So they started looking for a jump. In the meantime, I got a phone call from my Dad because Lindsey had called him and told him what happened. While Lindsey was talking to him, Mom was talking to Jordan, so they relayed the message to Jordan (who at that point was thankfully about 10 minutes away) to hurry and help me. When Jordan got here, we all jumped in the car and were able to go to the hospital. Josh and his boss got a jump for the car, and ended up being only about 10 minutes behind us.
So of course a long wait in the waiting room followed. Eventually, we decided Jordan and Kaitlyn could go back to the apartment and finish making dinner because we'd all be hungry. Josh stayed with me at the hospital. First, they had to give me a Tetanus shot because I couldn't remember the last time I had one. Then it came time for the numbing. They jabbed a shot of numbing stuff directly into my laceration like 15 times and it hurt SO bad! But better than being able to feel it while they stitched me up, which came next.
Here is the cut pre-stitching:
Here is me, tragically waiting for help:

And Josh looking concerned (or slightly amused...):

After the numbing shots took effect, the doctor began stitching. It was such a weird sensation to see someone sewing your skin together, and even feeling the pulling of the needle (or rather, little hooky thing...) and not feel any pain! After 5 stitches, my cut was completely sewn up and the bleeding
finally stopped. (I don't have the best camera, so it's really hard to see the stitches in the picture.)

Jordan and Kaitlyn were so nice and helpful! They had come to my rescue and taken me to the hospital, and when Josh and I got back, dinner was all ready.
So, now my hand is on the mend! I have to put a grocery bag over it when I shower, but I suppose there are worse things.
The very next day, I had to go to Girl's Camp for my Young Women's calling. We drove out to East Canyon in the morning, set up the tents, and hung out while everyone else settled in. The very first night was our turn to make dinner for the stake. The camp director, Jenny, is an expert dutch-oven-cooker, so she took the reins and helped to teach us. We made barbeque chicken, cheesy potatoes, and three different kinds of cobbler (which was my favorite!). Not longer after dinner, I headed back home because we were way out in the middle of nowhere and I didn't want to drive the scary mountain death roads after dark.
And that's not even all that's been going on, but that's enough for now! I'll end this entry by showing you what happens when your husband gets a hold of your camera: