So far, I love my new job. The people that I work with are great, the reception center is beautiful, it's closer and less stressful than Canterbury, and I still get to plan weddings! It was also great because the training to be a wedding planner wasn't as rigorous as it was the first time around. Most of the things I needed to know for this job I had already learned at was just a matter of learning new pricing and policies and not mixing them up with Canterbury's, learning where everything was, and learning some different processes (i.e. how you record event plans, how to make up payment pages in a different computer system, etc). Josh and I truly believe this job was an answer to prayers!
Josh is still loving his job at Dashboard Accounting! Which is good, because if he hated it, he would probably have to switch his major, and that would set us back a few years! He has been a book keeper with them for almost a year, and his boss is now training him to become a controller! The business has been growing, and they will be moving this month to a larger office space.

Josh and I also celebrated our first married Valentine's Day! It actually makes me think of our first Valentine's Day together, 2 years ago. Josh and I had only been on two dates, and even though I knew we had really connected, I also knew I probably shouldn't expect anything. So, when I found chocolate milk and a pez dispenser left on my doorstep with no name signed, I thought it was from another guy that I had gone on a date with! I was actually panicking a little bit, too, because even though he was a nice guy, I really wasn't interested in him. So I went the whole day wondering what I could possibly say to this guy. But, that evening, I went to hang out with a group of friends at Brett's apartment (Brett was Josh's old mission companion, and how me and Josh met in the first place). Once I was there, I eventually found out from Brett that all that stuff was from Josh! Needless to say, I was relieved and excited. Josh called later that night, and we met up to watch the movie Disturbia. That was also the day Josh kissed me for the first time!
When we got back we watched "Up!" and relaxed. It was a wonderful third Valentine's Day together!
So at first I thought you said that this year consisted of chocolate flowers and I was extremely curious. :) But hey that exciting about your new job!! I'm glad things are looking "UP". wow, I need to get a better sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteI think Valentine's day might be more exciting when you are dating or engaged...or maybe it gets more exciting when your husband isn't in school...but this year ours wasn't too bad. We went out for the first time without Makenzie!
ReplyDeleteAnd I still hate Canterbury. Do you still help with events?
Wait, shooting guns ISN'T hugely romantic? Cause that was mine and David's second date ;) (Our first was 'Fear Factor: Group Date').
ReplyDeleteI think Pez dispenser and chocolate milk just might be the coolest Valentine's day gift I have ever heard of.