They also had a replica of a hand cart. Imagine pulling one of those over rocks and mountains! It was pretty cool because after here, we flew back to Salt Lake, the pioneers' final destination. Only it took us just a few hours, and we didn't have to walk and freeze. Seeing all of this defintely gave me a greater appreciation of the sacrifices that the pioneers made.
That night, we had Nana's birthday party! Unfortunately, my mom put me in charge of taking tons of pictures with her camera, so I wasn't able to get any of my own. Hopefully, I can get them from her soon and add them in! But the party was great. We went and ate at Red Lobster (lucky for me, they also had some chicken alfredo, since I don't like seafood). There were a ton of people there! We all got to catch up and spend time together, and then we all watched a fabulous video my parents put together for nana on a big screen my Dad set up.
We had a great time visiting everybody, and hopefully it won't be too long before we all get together again!