After our fabulous wedding (thanks again, family and friends!), Josh and I headed to Delray Beach Florida. Our beautiful condo was literally a stone's throw from the beach, which was awesome!

We also loved our rental car, which was one of the new Civics. We're thinking that one day when we can afford it, we just might have to get one...
Delray had the cutest little town, too. It was so nice to walk down the streets in perfect weather, and pick a restaurant at random. Our restaurant ended up being a good pick, too. Josh got the most amazing cheesesteak we had ever tasted! I was definitely jealous, because his was a lot better than what I ordered! (Sorry the picture is blurry...)

Our good friends, Robby and Tia, gave us park-hopper passes for Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. This was about 3 hours away, but the opportunity was way too good to pass up. So we made the drive, and it was definitely worth it! We thought we would only have time for one park, so we decided we would go to Universal Studios. The lines weren't as bad as expected, though, and after a half-day we'd done everything! So we ran next door to Islands of Adventure and just had time to do everything there, too! We really lucked out, and had so much fun!

I also found out that they are building a new Harry Potter ride, and I am SO excited about it!

Any one who knows me knows that I couldn't possibly be that close to Disney World and NOT go. Since we didn't have time to do all the Disney Parks, we decided to go to Magic Kingdom. That was one amazing day...

Disney has this fast pass system that was awesome, because it really helped cut down on the lines! I think the longest line we had to wait in was 45 minutes (for Peter Pan...totally worth it). Other than that, with the fast pass, most lines were only 5-10 minutes! One of our last rides was the Carousel of Progress, which is indoors. It was about a 20 minute ride, and when we got out, it was pouring rain, like a deluge! People were taking cover under any ledge, overhang, or store they could find! But me and Josh decided to brave the weather, and went sprinting through the waterfall to the Snow White ride. So much rain had already come down, that the streets were like a river, and I lost a flip flop in it and had to go back! We rode the Snow White ride which, thankfully, was the only one we still needed to go on. So after that, we left. We were a little sad that we didn't get to see the fireworks, but glad that we had gotten to ride eveything we wanted (except for Space Mountain, which was closed for renovations or something :( )
So our honeymoon was pretty much fabulous! It was so nice to finally be done with wedding plans and take a week away from work to relax and have fun. We weren't quite ready to leave Delray when the time came, but we headed to Myrtle Beach, and had a great time at our South Carolina reception!