Still the sweetest, most easy going baby! She still eats about every three hours. She's had a few nights where she'll go longer, but they are usually just a fluke. After a couple days she will settle back into the 3 hours routine. She struggles with constipation (sometimes she'll go as long as 5 days!). The doctor says to try apple-prune juice, but it doesn't seem to do much. This month she learned to roll over from front to back, and even did it from left and right! It was a little bit of a surprise when she first did it because she didn't seem like she was quite so close.
Our food struggles with Chandler have continued. He still mostly only wants oatmeal, yogurt, pizza, crackers, and granola bars. I had still been giving him vegetable and fruit baby food up until recently just to feel like he was getting all of the nutrients he needs, but we realized that's probably not the best idea and stopped. It's so frustrating because he used to eat anything! We recently had a break-through with spaghetti, though, so there are some small victories. His language and vocabulary continue to explode. He amazes us. He knows to say "I don't want it" as opposed to "i no want it" like most kids his age do. He loves tons of movies now instead of the same 5 that he used to watch over and over. He got a little movie obsessed, so we had to reign it in to the one a day rule. He's also still crazy about his baby sister!
I also want to record a little bit about our little bedtime routine, because it is so sweet and I always want to remember. After Chandler brushes his teeth and both kids get their jammies on, we read some scripture verses (we've been slowly reading through the Book of Mormon with Chandler since he was very little) and then talk about scriptures stories while looking at pictures in our book. After that, we sing a few songs. I think I've mentioned before that Chandler has known "I'm a Child of God", "Teach Me to Walk in the Light", "Families Can Be Together Forever", and, his favorite, "I Love to See the Temple." He has added quite a few songs to his repertoire since then. One of those is one they have been learning in nursery, "Follow the Prophet." I hold Isabelle, Josh holds Woody, and Chandler holds Buzz and we march around the room while we sing it and he LOVES it. He also loves it when we sing "Sunbeam" and Daddy throws him up toward the ceiling on the word "Beam." Then we say prayers. It used to be that he would repeat the last word in each sentence, but he's getting better and better at repeating more and will sometimes throw in a few thoughts of his own (i.e. naming things he sees around the room). Then we give kisses and hugs and tuck him in. I love that little family time.

At the beginning of the month, we went to the Bell's for Emery's baby blessing. Chandler still looooves playing with "KenzieTanner." But while we were there he touched the glass up against the fireplace, and hardcore burned his hand. It was super sad.
We also took them to the Children's Museum in Raliegh and Chandler LOVED it:
Jordan, Kaitlyn, and Maylee joined us that night!
Isabelle always loves to watch what Chandler has going on. Even when she is nursing, she'll stop and crane her neck to see what he is up to:
His coordination has really been developing! He's much better at throwing and catching a ball and can go up ladders now:
I love their little sibling relationship:
Someone got into Mama's jewelry box:
Nonnie got a bike trailer and takes Chandler for fun rides!