(I know this picture is way too bright, but I love it anyway.)
We started with a nap so he could rest up for the festivities...
First, I took him to the park at Market Common. The weather was amazing! Warm and sunny and perfect. Chandler got to check out the ducks on the lake and then went on the swing for the first time!
He actually didn't get super excited about it. I think he just liked having a a good vantage point to see what was going on in the park. But he's not a sit back, relax, and watch kind of baby...he wants to be in the middle of the action. So I got him out and let him crawl around.
There was a little 3 year old boy there that took to Chandler immediately and they played together pretty much the whole time. Chandler loved to follow him around. He climbed up the staircase to the slide and we went down together a couple of times.
He thought climbing up the slide was more fun than going down. He was pretty good at it, too.
After we played for awhile, we strolled over to Coldstone and grabbed some cake batter ice cream. Chandler really loves ice cream, so he was pretty much in heaven.
Then we stopped at Barnes and Noble and he got to get a book so that he could have at least one present on his actual birthday. We ended up getting Dr. Seuss's ABC's.
I made him one of his very favorites for dinner, Cream Cheese Chicken Chili. We went over to my parents and ate with Hunter and Halston, who were done with their after-school activities at this point.
Then we were finally joined by Daddy when he was done with school!
So we sang "Happy Birthday"...
...and we all watched while Chandler got to devour his very own cupcake from a delicious nearby bakery. I got him the Triple Chocolate, and he went crazy over it!

And we took pictures with him at exactly 9:55, the moment he was born. And unfortunately, the pictures are blurry.
And his face is just awesome in this one...
He really does like kisses from his mama....I promise...
Every few hours throughout the day, I would tell him "At this time, one year ago, I was just getting to the hospital..." and things like that. It's so crazy that that loooooong, amazing day was a year ago!
I had a great time celebrating my sweet boy. I loved to see his joy and excitement as we spent the whole day doing things he loves!
Pictures from his family party to come...